2013 brought its fair share of shocking & tragic news in death. While our country continues to struggles with its high murder rates, lives continue to be lost via these killings and countless others are taken via vehicular accidents. I think that this year the loss of life came in pairs; two impacted from each category. Firstly were the murders of Jerome and Dale Ramsahai. The way they were murdered was extremely gut-wrenching; one cannot even begin to understand what their families are going through. What makes it worse is that to date ( as of writing this ) their murders remain unsolved and their parents remain without closure; without justice; not knowing what really happened to their young sons.
The second came from an accident which took the life of three (3) people; two of which were twin sisters. When I read about this on the newspapers I honestly became sad. I have twin brothers and I can’t imagine what it would be like to wake up one morning to know that they are gone. These sisters were just 18 years of age. The reports were that they had just come back from a club and on their way home when the accident occurred. Sadly speed and alcohol were factors in the crash which killed the teenagers.
We also lost a few celebrities & inspirational people this year. People like Margret Thatcher, Cory Monteith, Lee Thompson Young, Tom Clancy and of course the two deaths that rocked this world the most; Paul Walker & Nelson Mandela. May they all rest in piece.
Its a rare thing to be able to have genuine friends; people who look out for you and support you; they generally want you to succeed as much as you want to see them succeed. In 2013 a few people that I work with have definitely fallen into this category. I’ve said it time and again on my twitter & past Christmas & New Year greetings; I won’t trade up my office peeps for anyone. They are indeed awesome. In fact a lot a great memories for 2013 existed because of them. So thanks you guys and gals….for being awesome.