One of the great joys I’ve had in 2013 was doing work for T5x Studio. As some of you may know, T5x Studio is the brand I have used to market all of the work I did as a freelancer. Its an idea I have been playing with ever since registering “T5x” as a computer repair company back in 2004. This year I’ve gotten the opportunity to work with a large signage company called Signs & Designs Limited. I was hired to re do their company’s website for them. I’ll be honest with you folks, I don’t like web designing. I think the only website I liked to work on was mine. None the less, working for Signs & Designs Limited was a lot of fun and it opened up my eyes into the design world and I saw just how far I’d be able to take my designs … my brand one day.
Another great opportunity I received was being able to be part of a somewhat re-branding process for a football club. My buddy Joel ( Jmas & Jmas 2) was able to land me the job of the designer who would come up with their new club logo. Joel and I played around with a lot of concept sketches before he came up with the final design that we were going with. After the design was produced and submitted we ran into an unforeseen problem. If you follow me on twitter ( @_davidrw ) you would have seen my tweets about it. Basically what happened was that another designer who was working on the sideline for someone on the team committee, after seeing the design that I had produced, he decided to copy it and make it it as his own. It was my first time as a designer that I had experienced this. Initially I was really upset but then I just let it go. Joel on the other hand didn’t appreciate it at all and I’m not sure what he told the committee but in the end my design was used to help re-brand the football club. A few months after that I was asked by Joel if I would be willing to come back as their designer to work on some of their future publishing but I politely declined.
One of the great aspects of designing is being able to see or to feel the gratitude of those receiving your product. In the last quarter of the year I had the opportunity to help out a friend of a friend of mine. At a first glance it was an easy task, then the more I was helping her out with it I realized just how much of a mess it actually was. When I heard her story about how her website came into being; from concept to end product; by the people whom she hired, it left a bitter taste in my mouth. At the end of it all, she was able to rebuild her website; better than it was before; in time for the launch of her new project – a magazine. I figured that with the new website and new magazine project, she couldn’t use the same old logo and after discussions with my friend Bernel; aka Black Popeye); I did a new logo for her and its currently used on her website and on the magazine.