These are scribbles of truth and advice derived from fact, experience and knowledge of those who fell before you and who felt what you felt when you thought things would be different with you. Same circumstance, different individual is what you would say I’m sure. Or it is different timing different season? That applies just to the weather in most cases because contrary to what you would like to believe some people don’t change, they adapt. How else can someone get what they want without being their target’s desires? They say Your actions say who you are but do you take into account of the timing and motive of said actions? The stroke on the clock is the line between being real and being relevant. Ask yourself; real to the cause or relevant to the masses? Crowd pleasers have weak spines this is obvious due to their inability to withstand peer pressure as well as stand out from the status quo. They are contortionists by profession, their trade is to conform to every request met out by..well…everyone they consider to be someone. Moving on is very scary to a lot of people. To most it is synonymous with “starting over” which in itself sounds like it is a public admission of failure, but what about the chance that moving on is short for moving on to better? There’s a bible scripture that says “Then you will return to the ground from which you came, for you were made from dust, and to the dust you will return” this is purely reference to our start and end points, this doesn’t mean during our lives we must be like dust and just settle. Are you in a relationship for the sake of it, because it makes you feel good, you don’t want to be lonely or just because you “love” someone? If the answer to any of these is yes then you have fooled yourself into being concerned about title rather than being more focused on the duty. Title is the claim to fame, recognition, a right to be acknowledged by the public. The duty is what should matter; it’s what’s required of you, your service, your calling to perform. Even though you maybe somewhere you are not happy always remember it is never too late unless you make it so. The longer you stay in, the harder the foundation sticks with you, whether it made of lies or false hopes. You may think this is an open letter because it really is open to the public in a sense and therefore it is just for reading, but I’ll call it an open challenge. One to force you to take action to do better to be better to be with someone better. You might have opened the door when opportunity knocked but sometimes they get the wrong address and all wrong directions must be redirected. Adventurers don’t travel the same path twice, new experiences are out there to be gained and you won’t have them if you walk into the same hallway, the same garden even if there is a new painting on the wall or a new rose bud on the fence. The untouched treasures in unchartered places offer so much more life changing rewards that will make you a better person. You feel accomplished being acknowledged for your best work. The sweetest memories are found deep in the most difficult challenges. So challenge accepted?